The University Argonaut
Will Take Breakfast at Ridenbaugh Hall —To Plant Tree and Give Address— Cadets Will Act As Escort.
The plans for the reception to Ex-president Roosevelt are now complete. The special train which will bring him from Spokane will arrive in Moscow at the Inland depot at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday. A company of cadets will be stationed at the depot to receive the party and another company will be at the hotel awaiting their arrival. There will be no reception of a public nature on that evening, but Mr. Roosevelt will go to the hotel where supper will be served to a small party of political officials. On Monday morning the cadets will escort Colonel Roosevelt to the campus and a salute will be fired as he the University grounds. From 7:45 to 8:45 breakfast will be served in Ridenbaugh Hall to a party composed of the Ex-president with the university faculty, several prominent citizens and governmental officials and the president and secretaries of the various classes of the university. After this breakfast, Mr. Roosevelt will be asked to plant a tree on the low part of the campus just west of the tennis courts and it is planned to have him greeted at this time with a rousing college yell. A stand will be erected directly in front of the administration building from sacks of north Idaho’s famous grains, from which the great American statesman will speak. He will be escorted to this stand by the cadets, who will act as guards and keep the space around the platform open. Mr. Roosevelt will be presented by Governor Hawley, who will come to Moscow for the occasion. The special train which will carry the Ex-president and the escorting party back to Spokane will leave over the electric line at 10:30 a.m. The students are urged to come out with the stars and stripes and the university colors.
[^1] “Argonaut Issue April 5th, 1911, “Roosevelt Will Visit Campus on Monday"", The Theodore Roosevelt Collection, University of Idaho Library Digital Collections,